Saturday, June 8, 2019

Brew Detective: Reuben's Brews vs. Ex Novo

Tart Cherry Weisse vs. Marryin' Berries Gose -

Reuben's Brews and Ex Novo are two of the finest breweries in the PNW. Their takes on two German standards epitomize how classic brews can be rejiggered. Both glow, tinted by the fruit they were brewed with, they're attractive in the glass. These ales are best appreciated on warm days. Craving something a little sour and lower in ABV is far more palatable when the sun's out. 

One is brewed in WA, the other PDX. If you find yourself wanting to break free of the dearth of hop-driven ales, these are two fine fixes. Neither one is over powered by the fruit. The yeast is what's packing the punch. The sugary sweet of the fruit helps to balance the puckering elements in each of these beautiful beers. Obviously the tart cherry used in the Weisse offers a different nuance than the combination of raspberries and marionberries that are added to the Gose.

The effervescence of Reuben's is full of beautiful carbonation, it almost dances in the glass, as well as on the palate. The Tart Cherry probably wins out in the end, but they're both phenomenal. Reuben's weighs in at 3.2% and Ex Novo rounds out at 4.6%. If you're in the mood for a change of pace, grab these selections from your local grocer or bottle shop. Enjoy responsibly.


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