Prince dropped a double dose on us today. Thanks be to funk. Genius is a word that only applies to a select few of the 7 billion people on earth, Prince is one of them. Art Official Age and PlectrumElectrum were released today. The former is a solo album and the latter is with band-mates 3rdEyeGirl. I suggest copping both of these records, so hit up your local record store or do the digital thing. There are flashes of his brilliance on both. Whether it be R&B influenced titles like, "CLOUDS", or bass driven synth-funk hits, "THE GOLD STANDARD"—Mr. Nelson has tapped into his multi-faceted magic. He uses his talents to create new "radio-friendly" tracks in, "U KNOW" and "BREAKFAST CAN WAIT". Then there's "FUNKNROLL" which is totally rocking, makes me want to move, and may not be classifiable. 3rdEyeGirl is funk-rock at its finest, with an ability to push Prince toward his otherworldly talents. There's a lot of material to sift through, have fun and remember to turn it up. Enjoy.
Tune in tonight (9:30pm CT) to watch a free, live stream from Paisley Park celebrating these albums.